This little guy couldn’t take the heat today… was passed out in that position for three hours.

A squirrel draped over a tree branch sleeping. Its feet and tail are hanging freely on one side of the branch, and its head hanging freely on the other.

Feast day for the ladies.

My three guinea pigs surrounding a big pile of chopped lettuce, carrots, bell pepper, and parsley. They are all sitting on a soft gray blanket that is used exclusively for guinea pig floor time.

Saw a shooting star off the coast last night. I was recording the storm blowing in and just happened to catch it!

The full moon from last night was strange. It rose above the clouds and you could only see its reflection on the water. It looked fake!

Navarre beach at moon rise. The moon is risen above the clouds and is not visible. Below the ocean is seen reflecting the moons light. Due to the hidden moon it appears the ocean is lit up with no light source at all.

Saw some wildlife at a Zoo today in Navarre. It’s a small zoo but they let you get up close to the animals!

A bright pink Flamingo standing on a single leg. A horned cow of some sort, peaking over the fence hoping I’ll give it food.

So a single corporation’s botched software update was enough to disrupt our entire national flight infrastructure? We are so cooked.

I’m going to re-evaluate if I should self-host my own blog on WordPress or elsewhere rather than MB after I get back from Florida. I keep running into edge cases where the product just doesn’t work. There are no guard rails or explanation as to why something doesn’t work.

I went on a long train ride while in Colorado. The 4k/60fps option for iPhone video capture is awesome.

Colorado trip this week for a family reunion. Awesome sights and an awesome drive. We are going out on the lake today. On the way here I had to drive down a mountain pass. I let the Integra coast at 65mph in 3rd gear all the way down; no need for brakes or gas.

View from my rented cabin. There is a very large lake with pine trees surrounding. In the distance, pine tree covered mountains can be seen. It is a bright sunny day. A road sign that says “HARPIN CURVE 6 MILES AHEAD” with a diagram of the hairpin layout.My parked Integra Type S in front of pine trees at the cabin resort.