COVID-19 is kicking my ass again

COVID-19 is a very frustrating beast. I have it again for the second time in four months. I am fully vaccinated and the little virus does not seem to care. It also does not seem to care about my past encounter and natural immunity.

What’s crazy is that I’ve had the flu maybe four times total in the last 10 years and I rarely vaccinated for it. During the majority of that time I worked in the office and was often around others. By all means, the risk factor for me catching the flu was quite high! Yet I did not.

COVID-19 though? It infects me as I work from home 90% of the year. A brief encounter seems to be all it takes, and it makes me think the current vaccination regiment of one-shot-per-year isn’t going to cut it. Sure, it may protect me for three to four months after inoculation, but for the rest of the year I’m on my own.

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