With a little thinking, I was able to get the Roccat Kone Air mouse to behave as a good macOS citizen. I chose to buy this mouse due to its usage of AA batteries, somewhat muted design, and ergonomics. Configuration did require me to fire up a Parellels Windows 11 VM and install the Roccat software, but after a one-time setup, it is good to go. This is largely doable thanks to the “Easy-Shift[+]” modifier button near the thumb rest in combination with the on-board profile system.
Here are the mappings I chose in the Roccat software:
[Easy-Shift-Button + Left Click] maps to [CTRL + Left Arrow Key]
Moves one desktop to the left
[Easy-Shift-Button + Right Click] maps to [CTRL + Right Arrow Key]
Moves one desktop to the right
[Easy-Shift-Button + Middle Click] maps to [CTRL + Up Arrow Key]
Mission Control
[Easy-Shift-Button + Scroll Up] maps to [Tilt Right]
Scrolls right
[Easy-Shift-Button + Scroll Down] maps to [Tilt Left]
Scrolls left
For the forward and backward thumb buttons, I used a piece of software called BetterMouse on macOS to map them to forward and backward swipe respectively.